Meet OMC Collective Member Sam Chernak. Samantha is a Doctor of Physical Therapy and clinic owner of Emerald Physical Therapy & Pilates located in Ballard. She specializes in pilates-based rehabilitation and has found it to be a fun, effective tool for treating pre-, peri- and postpartum patients. She believes in a holistic approach to healthcare and frequently partners with other providers including naturopaths, midwives, chiropractors, massage therapists, acupuncturists, and mental health practitioners.
How long have you lived in the Seattle area? Where are you from/why did you move here? What do you do for a living? Have you always done this?
I’ve lived in Seattle off-and-on for about 8 years. I moved here for college, moved away, came back, moved away again and came back FOR GOOD about 4 years ago! I’ve been a physical therapist for 5 years and started Emerald PT & Pilates last January. Prior to becoming a PT, I worked in the public relations industry serving tech and finance clients.
What does living a fulfilled and happy life mean to you?
It means living my life on purpose. Having abundant time for family and friends. And being present to enjoy and appreciate the things that make me happy. And to spend as much time in the mountains as possible!
Do you have any personal mantras?
No, but I need some! I’ve been working on developing a consistent meditation practice, so hopefully, this will help me create some.
What is your greatest personal skill/trait?
I’m a really good listener.
What is your morning routine?
My coffee pot goes off at 5:00am so it is ready for me when my alarm goes off at 5:15am! I sit in my favorite chair by my fireplace with my pups at my feet, drink coffee, journal for 30 minutes, read for 30 minutes, then meditate for 10 minutes.
What helps you feel calm & centered?
My morning routine! Also, deep breathing and quick 3-5 minute meditations during the day if I need a reset.
What helps you feel strong?
Running, weightlifting, playing volleyball and training for events (currently training for my first triathlon!)
What is your love language?
Words of affirmation. I love giving compliments.
When you get a quiet moment, what do you like to do the most?
Depends on the day but I usually choose to either read or catch up on Bravo TV (where my fellow Below Deck Med fans at?!)
How do you practice self-care?
I would live at Olympus Spa if I could. But since that’s not realistic, my daily self-care is my morning journaling time. I also love a good run, a sweaty workout, a great massage, and a relaxing facial.
What does the world need more of?
Less fear, more love.
If you could tell your twenty-year-old self one thing, what would it be?
You don’t have to have everything figured out right now. You’re making the best decisions you know how (most of the time) and that’s ok! You’re in for such a treat in this beautiful life; enjoy the journey!
What do you do for fun when you aren’t working?
I retreat to the mountains as much as possible. I just learned how to nordic ski, so you will find me there this winter. And in the spring and summer, you’ll find me hiking and camping as much as possible. I also love wine tasting in Woodinville!
Why did you decide to pursue this career?
I was really drawn to physical therapy initially because of the anatomy, physiology and movement part of it. Growing up an athlete, I always wanted to know more about how the body functions, and how to train more efficiently to become more proficient at my sport. And once I realized how much I can positively impact people’s lives with that knowledge, I was hooked.
What is one dream you have for yourself, personally or professionally, in one year? In 3 years?
Personally – I’m going to complete my first triathlon this year!
Professionally – my dream is that our medical system will acknowledge that postpartum mamas need more care. That referring to pelvic floor PT at the 6-week check-up will be the norm. That there will be abundant resources for them to know what to expect, what’s common, how to ask for help, where to go for support, etc. because they more than deserve it.
What is your favorite place to go/explore, or favorite restaurant in Seattle or the surrounding areas?
I love exploring new breweries that keep popping up in the area! I also recently discovered the magic of the food at Tilth, so I think that might be my current fave Seattle restaurant.
What makes you most excited about Om Mama Co. / what have you gained from being a part of the Om Mama Community?
Om Mama Co has blessed me so much with community. Being a business owner can be really scary and lonely. Being surrounded by all these amazing boss babes has inspired me so much, and seeing how much we can help people as a TEAM has been amazing!
Where can readers find you?