You know what would make motherhood easier?
… If we talked about how hard it actually is.
I saw my friend and fellow new mom post the other day about how hard being a mom is and it made me want to reach out to all new moms and let them know – this shit is hard. So that is what I did. I messaged all the new moms I know and asked them how are they doing. Like really, how are they doing. Not like “hey, how are you” but like… how ARE you? Feel the difference?
One of the hardest things about being a new mom has been being vulnerable and asking for help. Especially now that Logan is 10 months and caring for her is my full-time job. I didn’t ask my friends to come to my “real job” and help me so I feel like I shouldn’t ask for it with my job as Logan’s mom either. But at work, I had co-workers to share the load and as moms, we sometimes need to share the mental load.
Who benefits from a mom who is trying to do it all?
No one.
It is a surefire way to isolate potential mom friends because they know the truth and will see through your attempts at perfection. Or, even worse, they will think you are able to do it all and will feel worse about themselves.
There is so much opportunity for connection when we are vulnerable- when we invite friends over even if our house is messy, when we tell someone that we are struggling or when we ask for help. I try to remind myself that I have been asked for help before and I loved being able to assist however I could. So if you can’t ask for help for yourself- do it for those who want to help you!
Moms are amazing and there are so many things we CAN do ourselves but why not share the load if we can? If nothing else, let’s stop acting like we can and should do it all and maybe we will make a connection, a friend or strengthen a relationship in the process.
Guest Blog Feature: Alexis of This Mess I’m Making shares her perspective on how to make motherhood easier! You can follow Alexis on Instagram at @messimmaking! Interested in sharing your story? Submit your post here!