We are thrilled to introduce you to OMC mama member Maria of Sexy Food Sexy You. Maria is an Integrative Nutrition Health Coach based in Seattle, WA, and mom to Rafael.
How long have you lived in the Seattle area? Where are you from/why did you move here?
I moved to Seattle from Brooklyn, New York. I have been here since September so 7 ½ months now! I am from Florida originally- born and raised. Miss the heat and humidity so much! My husband and I chose Seattle because it is a tech hub-good for his company and it is a great place to raise a family. We love all the gorgeous nature everywhere.
How do you practice self-care?
Self-care is super important to me! Despite being a busy mom, I shower daily (was worried the no shower thing was real-it’s not!), practice my nighttime skincare routine and I try to get my nails done every couple weeks if I can. I try to take Epsom salt baths and I exercise often with the babe to stay sane! 😉
When you get a quiet moment, what do you like to do the most?
Sleep!!! I love napping!! Any chance I get 🙂
How would you describe your relationship with fitness / how it has changed through motherhood & pregnancy?
Fitness has always made me feel happy and balanced. During my pregnancy, I made regular exercise part of my routine and it has continued post pregnancy except I am making modifications and taking it easy for now to protect my healing post c section. I have diastasis (ab separation) and that has been tough to deal with when you are so used to not having limitations with physical exercise. I am mostly walking Greenlake (3.5 miles) and taking mom and baby classes.
What helps you feel strong and/or beautiful?
Exercise, self-care & sleep! A fresh mani/pedi always helps! Also, taking the time to put a little makeup on helps me a lot. Concealer has been my best friend!
What does living a fulfilled and happy life mean to you?
It means balance to me. Our lives will never be perfectly balanced but striving to listen to my body and what it needs as well as my emotions and my identity as a woman (wife, mother, friend, relative) is so important to me. I want to continue to surround myself with happy & interesting people and find time to always travel and learn new skills. There is so much to see & do!
Do you have a favorite quote that inspires you?
I do! When I feel things getting out of balance and my desire for perfection kicks in I say to myself “I am too blessed to be stressed!”
Did you have an ah-ha moment when you knew you were ready to become a mom? Did your spouse?
Before meeting my husband I wasn’t sure I wanted kids. When I met him I realized I had always wanted to be a mom I just had never met the right person. For my husband, he said before he met me, there was a switch that went off for him and he knew he was ready for marriage & kids. He just needed to meet me, lol.
How does your current reality compare to your vision of motherhood pre-baby?
I am grateful that many women shared their brutally honest truths with me so I am not totally shocked. I think the hardest reality was that pre-baby I just had so much confidence that my body would just snap back. My mom snapped back really quickly and I assumed I’d be the same. I am learning to be easy on myself and love myself during this transition. I will get back to me, but it will take time and I’m too blessed to be stressed.
What is the best piece of advice you received before becoming a mama?
The two best pieces of advice I have received has been-“sleep when they sleep.” It sounds so obvious but it’s hard to do when the house is falling apart and it is so so helpful!! The other has been to ask for help and to allow yourself to receive help. My new response to anyone offering has been “yes, please!”
What core values do you want to teach your child?
We want to teach our son to be a gentleman. Chivalry isn’t what it used to be and we’d like to instill manners in him early on. We also want to teach him to be confident and inquisitive. Never afraid to ask questions and confident to take risks and try new things. We want to instill adventure in him as we both love to travel and strongly believe in the positive impact of getting to know cultures different than your own. Lastly, we want to instill the meaning of hard work and want our son to find meaning and fulfillment in what he does.
Who are significant mother role models in your life & why?
I have been fortunate to have many mother figures in my life. My mom and I talk on the phone daily and I’m extremely close with my stepmom as well. I have an aunt and other women who have been my mother at different times in my life. I am grateful for all the love, guidance & continuous support from so many women.
What is your greatest personal skill/trait?
I would say my people skills. I genuinely love people and I believe I’m very good at making people laugh and feel comfortable and open.
If you could have a super-power, what would it be?
Haha, it’s a weird one, but I really love fashion and I’ve always wished I could watch tv or be walking around see someone’s jacket, shoes, purse whatever and then it would instantly appear in my closet in my size. I have a bit of a shopping addiction that I have toned down big time!
What does the world need more of?
Education. So many people are living harder lives than they need because it’s all they know. I wish everyone had access to great education and not just formal education, but nutrition, relationships, and life skills. Things they do not generally teach in school.
What is your favorite activity to do with your kiddos in Seattle?
My Rafael is only 7 weeks and our favorite thing to do is walk around Greenlake. We have been doing it since he was in the belly and he sleeps the whole time!
What are the unique differences about being a mom in Seattle?
I’ve never been a mom anywhere else so not sure, but I think it would probably be the amazing access to gorgeous nature and I have to say I have never met people as sweet or as supportive as Seattle!! Grateful to live here with my family. Really helps as everyone I know is on the east coast.
What do you love most about Om Mama?
What makes you excited about Om Mama? I love Meredith! Duh!! Lol and I love all the amazing people I meet through Om Mama, many that have become my friends and I love that it feeds my need to constantly learn and educate myself. I’m a self-help junkie and I love that Om Mama is all about being proactive!