We are thrilled to introduce you to Om Mama Collective member Desiree Baird! Desiree is a pediatric sleep coach with specialty in multiples! Om Mama Members receive special package discounts with Desiree – if you’re interested in learning more about becoming a mama member, click here!
How long have you lived in the Seattle area? Where are you from/why did you move here? What do you do for a living? Have you always done this?
My name is Desiree Baird. I am from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, but have lived in the Seattle area for over 14 years. Although I go back East to visit my family often. I moved here from Southern California. I was young and just wanted to explore and live on the west coast. Then I worked at Fluke Networks for many years as a marketing manager (which brought me to Seattle) and I have been here ever since.
Why did you decide to pursue this career?
I am a pediatric sleep consultant. I actually left my full-time job in March 2018 to pursue my passion – to help mamas with their children to get more sleep. I have 10.5-year-old boy/girl twins and a 21-month-old so I have had my own challenges and became a little obsessed with sleep which led me to get certified as a sleep consultant, and now I help families all over the world.
What did you want to be when you grew up?
At one point I wanted to be a marine biologist because I’m fascinated with sharks. However, I am scared to swim in the ocean so that obviously never happened. Ha!
When you get a quiet moment, what do you like to do the most?
I love planning a girl night and having wine and just have plain old girl talk. I also love to go hiking or attend a yoga class when I have time dedicated to myself to do so.
What helps you feel strong and/or beautiful?
I feel beautiful when I get to actually take a shower for the day. I am not kidding – sometimes I go three days without a shower because I am juggling family and my business. I’m a full time working SAHM. So literally it just takes a shower and I feel beautiful.
What is your greatest personal skill/trait?
Encouraging my kids, my husband and friends to be the best version of themselves. What you see is what you get with me, and I just appreciate when people are authentic with me with who they are as well. I am a great listener, and never judge, but I do give unsolicited advice (probably more times than I should). But that’s me and I can’t change who I am.
Do you have a favorite quote that inspires you?
Not really. I mean I created my own quote when my twins were little and I would find myself overwhelmed and flustered. I taped the quote in my kitchen area where I would often be so I would remind myself often. It said, “They will only be little once, so enjoy even the most stressful moments. All that matters is that the twins are healthy, happy and safe.”
If you could tell your twenty-year-old self one thing, what would it be?
Great question – I would tell myself to travel more. I have traveled a lot in the US, but I wish I would have done more European and South America travel before starting a family.
How do you balance being an entrepreneur & a mom?
Another great question…I bust my butt. Here I am on a Sunday answering these questions at almost 5 pm. I work during every nap, at night, and early in the morning. I want to be present with my children’s at all times so I work around their schedule. It’s tough!
What is one thing you were told you would need and didn’t as a mama? Or the best piece of advice you received before becoming a mama?
I don’t know if I was given any advice actually. Since I was pregnant with twins nobody really could give me advice. They would just react and say wow you will have your hands full. I guess my mom helped at one point. The twins were tough because I was on my own without family support, and my husband was traveling 3 – 4 days a week. I was overwhelmed and my mom told me it was ok to put the kids in their cribs on hard days when they were crying a lot. She told me to take a moment for myself and get fresh air. The safest place is the crib so just put them in their cribs, walk outside for a few minutes and take few deep breaths. That actually helped.
What do you think the world needs more of?
Authenticity without judgment. I feel that sometimes people are scared to be who they really are or put on a front for fear of being judged.
What is your favorite motherhood/parent resource in Seattle?
I love Red Tricycle. I get their weekly newsletter so I can learn about events going on around the city.
What is your favorite activity to do with your kiddos in Seattle?
I love exploring the parks. I especially love Carkeek Park. Oh, and how can I forget, now that the twins are older I have taken them whale watching and we do an annual stay in Coupeville and jumping on a ferry to explore visiting the San Juan islands.
Where can readers find you?
My website is pediatricsleepcoach.com and I’m active on Instagram as @the_sleepcoach