A Series Of 7 Video Modules and a 30 Page Guide To Prepare For Birth, Optimize Your Body And Learn How To Push. Created By Pelvic Expert, Best Selling Author and Owner Of Body Motion Physical Therapy Dr. Allison Feldt, PT, DPT.
This program is the CORE of my clinic. And these stretches, exercises, breathing techniques and proper body mechanics WILL CHANGE the outcome of your life! This isn’t me exaggerating. I hear this from EVERY SINGLE CLIENT. In this program you get so much amazing information that generations of women needed. Hip replacements, knee replacements, incontinence are issues that our grandmothers and mothers had to deal with because this information isn’t as available.
Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy should be as popular as brushing your teeth! These techniques done everyday incorporated into your daily routine and lifestyle will change what life looks like for you in the decades to come!
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