Spirit Babies Explain “Unexplained Infertility”


Guest post by OMC member, Spirit Baby Medium, Jess McKeown

You’ve been trying to get pregnant for a year…or two…or ten. You and your partner are relatively healthy, deeply desiring to start or add to your family, and yet each month you’re heartbroken at the sign of a negative pregnancy test. 💔


The thought of snuggling your baby in your arms seems so far away when you’re diagnosed with “unexplained infertility.” You may be ready to explore creative conception like IUI and IVF, but you still want answers: You want to know WHY your baby isn’t here when you did everything right.


As a Spirit Baby Medium, I channel Spirit Babies who are ready to come earthside and deliver their messages of love, guidance, and hope to their parents. In this sacred communication, I’ve helped many clients receive their WHY from their Spirit Babies and gain clarity, understanding, and peace so they can continue on their journey to bring them in.


During sessions, the explanations about “unexplained infertility” are enlightening, so the Spirit Babies and I wanted to share the top reasons in hopes of inspiring those trying to conceive.  


“Infertility” is usually seen as a physical issue, but when it’s “unexplained,” the Spirit Babies guide you to explore and heal your Mental, Emotional, and Spiritual bodies, too.

Image by Gabrielle Henderson


Mental Body – Observe Your Thoughts

The biggest disconnect in the mental body is that you’re thinking one thing and doing another. This creates opposing energy, which can stall or block the flow that is needed for conception. Here’s the thing: no judgement. We intentionally create these pauses at times to allow for space to figure things out even if we don’t realize it.


For example, you’re telling yourself you’re ready for a second child—and you so want to be ready—but deep down, you really need to figure some things out before you can truly open to the idea. 


In a session, we discuss all the fears, worries, and what ifs that are taking up mental energy in your body, and ask your Spirit Baby for insights and confirmations. Sometimes, you’ll also receive beautiful mantras or affirmations from your Spirit Baby to help you keep your thoughts high-vibe, such as “I trust myself and my body” or “I receive with love.”

Image by Justin Groep


Emotional Body – Feel Your Feelings

The most complex blocks are created when your emotional body has unprocessed feelings. Emotions are “energy in motion” so they are meant to deliver their message, hang out until it’s received, and then leave. But often we hold on to sadness, grief, shame, anger, and other low-vibration emotions and leave them unprocessed for years, decades, and even lifetimes.


The Spirit Babies ask you to release your emotional blocks in all areas of your life, especially ones related to your family. As the Spirit Babies are joining your family and extended families, they will inquire about the status of relationships and encourage you to develop skills that can aid you in both life and parenthood. 


One example they love to talk about is speaking up for yourself. They’ll bring up your pushy mother-in-law or overbearing uncle and ask how you plan to express your needs and wants around them with a baby. The more you can heal those relationships and create strong boundaries to support you, the more spacious your emotional capacity becomes.

Image by Austin Chan


Spiritual Body – Trust the Timing

Have you lost faith? Did you quit praying? Have you cursed the Universe? We get it. Making a baby is co-creating with the Divine! It’s receiving miracles! It’s an expression of your deepest love. So when you do everything right and still no baby, you start to wonder what’s up with what’s Up.


For some, the road to parenthood can be a spiritual journey, a test of your faith, a call to enhance your prayers, an invitation to deepen your conversation with the Universe. The most important spiritual lessons we see while trying to conceive are Divine Timing and Embracing the Unknown. When you can trust that you are exactly where you need to be, it becomes easier to sit with the discomfort of not knowing what’s next. 


What usually comes in a session is a reconnection to Spirit, and your babies will remind you of all the ways you love to do that, from meditation to time in nature to drawing oracle cards. As you become aware of the spiritual insights, you can accept where you are and then make adjustments to where you want to be: with a baby in your arms.


If you or someone you love is facing “unexplained infertility” and want to connect with your Spirit Baby to ask them why, I’d love to be of service. National Infertility Awareness Week 2021 is April 18-24th, so I’m offering extra support for this community. 


Please visit my website for more information and join me on Instagram @McJaguar, where I share more from the Spirit Babies.

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